Kristen Stewart Really, Really Hates Twitter
It looks like Kristen Stewart's flair for dramatic, hyperbolic statements wasn't just limited to one interview. Kristen recently sat down with Flaunt magazine and the conversation naturally turned towards her disgust with being in the public eye.
After a fan comes up to Kristen mid-interview to say "hello," Kristen starts talking about her paranoia of the paparazzi and her hatred of Twitter.
From Flaunt (via Gossip Center): Twitter f**ks me over every day of my life. Because people go, 'I'm sitting next to Kristen Stewart right no' and then [the paparazzi] show up. I see people on their phones and I just want to take these cookies and throw them. It's like 'Get off your f**king phone and get a life!' I get so mad. It's like you're trampling on someone' life without any regard. And it's rampant. Everyone can do it now. Buy a camera and you’re paparazzi; get a Twitter account and you’re an informant. It's so annoying. Twitter "f**ks" her over?
Hey, at least that's improvement over saying that being photographed is akin to being "raped." Just remember KStew fans: don't tweet about seeing Kristen out and about or you might have some cookies thrown at your head. To check out all our Twilight coverage, head on over to The Forks Report.