Inspire har intervjuat Kirsten Prout som spelar Lucy (en av vampyrerna som är med Maria) i The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. I intervjun så pratar hon bland annat om The Twilight Saga… rättare sagt om Eclipse och Jackson Rathbone (Jasper).
INSPIRE: You’ve been in numerous television series (including Kyle XY) already. How was it different stepping into a movie (Eclipse), especially one so popular worldwide?
KIRSTEN: It was definitely intimidating stepping onto a set with an established cast, all of whom are tremendously talented. On our show (Kyle XY) we had such a dynamic, so I knew what I was in for as the new kid. That being said, everyone was so welcoming and it was an absolute pleasure working on Eclipse.
I: Did you have to contemplate on the idea of being in the third installment of the series? Have you read the books?
K: To be completely honest, I wasn’t used to the idea of such a small character, but when I saw that it was for Eclipse, I realized it was such a tremendous opportunity and just being involved is enough. It has really opened doors for me and I am so grateful for the experience.
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