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Nytt band inom Twilight?

Tidigare fick vi veta att Muse kommer att finnas med på Eclipse's soundtrack, och nu har ännu ett band avslöjats! Den latinamerikanska gruppen Jesse y Joy kommer att bidra med låten "Magic and Desire". Sångaren Jesse säger: “The song talks about these emotions that love make you feel, at at time, consider something magical and there is a desire that makes you lose gravity. You feel like you’re flying, and it’s all love.” Soundtracket har även fått sitt cover! Skivan kommer alltså ut den 8 juni, och The Eclipse Score (sådan musik som t.ex. Carter Burwell gjorde för Twilight) släpps den 29 juni.

Jag tycker detta låter bra, eller vad tror ni? Kommer det bli bra eller mindre bra?

14 MUST-KNOW Vampire Facts from Twilight

Think you know all there is to know about vampires? Think again.

Here, are 14 imperative facts that every self-respecting "Twihard" fan must know!

1. Vampires do not have fangs.

2. Vampires have pale skin.

3. Vampires are more beautiful than humans.

4. Vampire skin, when in sunlight, sparkles and throws rainbows, like diamonds.

5. Vampire skin is hard like a diamond; they cannot be shot, stabbed or "staked."

6. Vampires are superhuman in their speed, strength, ability, coordination, and all five senses.

7. Vampires can only be destroyed by being torn into pieces and burnt into ashes – things that can only be done by a vampire or werewolf.

8. Vampires only need to feed twice a month to keep their thirst under control.

9. Vampire eyes change based on how much blood they have consumed recently. Black: thirsty. Red: well-fed on human blood. Gold: well-fed on animal blood. As the time since last consumption lengthens, the color fades back to black.

10. Vampires have circles under their eyes that get darker as they get thirstier. When they are well fed, the circles almost vanish.

11. Vampires are not vulnerable to traditional methods of killing them such as garlic, crosses, holy water, stakes, etc.

12. Some vampires have supernatural abilities; Edward reads minds, Alice sees the future, and Jasper controls emotional climates.

13. Vampires dress in light colors to deemphasize their pallor.

14. Vampires do not eat human food – if they do, it must be vomited later.

Scener som bör vara med i Braking Dawn! SPOILER!!

Här får ni lite scener som bara Måste vara med i Breaking Dawn.

Men för er som inte har läst Breaking Dawn här blir det SPOILERS!

Edward & Bella’s Wedding
Their long-awaited nuptials happen quite early on in the book, much to the delight of fans of the will-they-or-won’t-they couple. It’s a family affair that almost runs smoothly, no thanks to Jacob almost wolfing out when he learns that Bella plans to become a vampire. It’s a testosterone-fueled scene, with the boys once again facing off, much to Bella’s dismay (we bet she’s secretly happy, really — who wouldn’t want Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner fighting over her?!). The wedding, itself, has its moments, with the high point being the vows and Edward removing Bella’s borrowed garter with his teeth. If that doesn’t make it into the movie, Melissa Rosenberg will have a lot to answer for.

 The Isle Esme Honeymoon
Calm down, ladies — we’re almost positive this whole chapter will make it into the movie. It’s the perfect opportunity to feature a topless Robert Pattinson during his impromptu celebratory skinny-dip, and it’s also the first time Edward and Bella have sex. That said, it’s not nice sex — it’s Edward at his headboard-breaking, pillow-biting best, with Bella getting a little bruising during this most monumental of moments (not to mention extremely pregnant), which might not make it into the final cut of a PG-13 movie. We’re just sayin’.

Jacob Forming His Own Wolf Pack
Jacob is totally fuming throughout Breaking Dawn, which is understandable, really, seeing as Edward has stolen his one true love and future mother of his pups. He narrates the second part of the book, and gives us an awesome insight into his mind. He’s a funny guy, that Jacob Black. Unfortunately, The Pack are planning to kill Bella and her freaky fast-growing unborn child, and Jake doesn’t like that AT ALL. He’s still madly in love with her, you see, so he decides to break off from the pack and form his own, with Seth and Leah Clearwater for company. This scene could be the turning point for movie Jacob — it’d gain him some new admirers, and give Taylor Lautner a chance to shine. If it doesn’t make it to the big screen, Taycob fans will probably start writing their hate mail straight away. Are you prepared for that, Summit?

Read the rest after the break!


 Renesmee’s Birth
This scene is where The Twilight Saga take a turn for the gruesome. It’s like something out of Alien, only not quite as surprising. Bella’s baby, Renesmee (yeah, don’t ask), is now so huge, she literally breaks out of Bella’s body, almost taking mommy’s spinal cord with her in the process. Bella’s nearly dead as a doornail before Edward realizes what he has to do to keep her alive — change her into a vampire. Like, now. So he injects his venom straight into her heart, then bites her. Many times. All over her body. It might sound hot, but it really isn’t — it’s all done in despair and with a savagery we haven’t seen from Mr. Cullen before. It’s the only scene that will push the PG-13 boundaries, but it’s one that has to be included. The imagery will be awesome.

 The Introduction of Other Vampire Clans
Towards the end of the book, the Cullens are preparing to take down the Volturi, yet again, and enlist the help of several vampire covens from all around the world. It looks like it’s going to lead up to a huge battle, with casualties and bloodspill, but it doesn’t. There is one good thing to come out of an otherwise redundant section, and that’s a horde of new vampire characters. We meet the Amazon, Denali, and Irish covens, as well as the American Nomads. Some awesome characters are introduced, most notably Zafrina, Kate, and Garrett. Admittedly, they’re underutilized in the book, but a well-written script could allow them to take center stage and liven things up a bit. Believe us, it’s going to need it.

Källa: EM


Nu har en reporter för tidningen USA Today (seriös nyhetstidning) skrivit en liten recension av filmen, läs den nedan (innehåller en del spoilers!)

Hon säger att den har både mycket humor och mycket våld, och trots filmens mörka handling så har David Slade lyckats med att inte göra den för tung. Det verkar också som att filmen är väldigt lik boken!

The nearly all-female crowd at the special Oprah show Twilight screening in Chicago on Tuesday night ate up every iconic Eclipse moment as it was played out onscreen - Spoiler alert! – including Bella’s two kisses with werewolf Jacob and the outdoor tent scene where hot-blooded Jacob spoons with Bella to save her from freezing to death as a seething Edward is forced to watch, reports USA TODAY’s Susan Wloszczyna.

After the rather heavy-hearted events of New Moon, Eclipse is a brighter, faster-paced adventure that is allows more room for humor and also more horrific violence as a marauding band of vicious newborn vampires eventually face off with the blood-sucking Cullen clan and the werewolf pack.

Somehow, director David Slade has turned the gloomy darkness of the popular book series into the perfect light summer fare. Today, stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner will tape their Oprah segment for a show that airs May 13. As for Eclipse, fans will have to wait until June 30.

 - Susan Wloszczyna, USA Today

Källa: EM


Vilken kassasuccé är du mest spänd på att se?
Which blockbuster are you most excited about?

The A-Team
Iron Man 2
Sex and the City 2
Shrek Forever After
Toy Story 3
The Twilight Saga Eclipse

Vilken film kommer att bli flickfavorit?
What will be the best chick flick?

Eat, Pray, Love
Letters to Juliet
Sex and the City 2
Step Up 3D
The Twilight Saga Eclipse

Vilka kommer att bli de bästa on-screen paret?
Who will be the best on-screen couple?

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, 'Knight and Day'
Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl, 'Killers'
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' 
Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart, 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' 
Jake Gyllenhaal and Gemma Arterton, 'Prince of Persia'' 
Javier Bardem and Julia Roberts, 'Eat, Pray, Love'

Klicka här för att rösta

Rösta för Eclipse!

@ Twilight (toppmöte) tweeted dag ber fans till huvud på över MovieFone och rösta på Eclipse som "Bästa Blockbuster av sommaren". Just nu Eclipse är på ledningen med Iron Man 2 bakom sig.

Klicka på HÄR att gå rösta för eclipse

Porträtter av huvudkaraktärerna!

Eclipse Still!

En ny still ur Eclipse!

Snygga bokmärken!

En ny still på Bree Tanner!

Snart är det över!! =(

Snart är det över det där med Edward, Bella and Jacob! Det är så dramatiskt eller vad tycker ni? Jag tycker att det borde komma en fortsättning av den eller att dem gör An other life of Bree Tanner till en film ioch med att det har blivit en bok nu och den tillhör endå The Twilight Saga! Eller? Är det bara jag som tycker så?

Nu när ni vet att den sista filmen har ett bestämmt datum ska ni planera in en resa till USA eller varför inte Enland till premiären. Jag tror att jag ska planera in en resa redan nu! Då får man åtminstånde sörja sammtidigt som man hyperventilerar framför skådespelarna bakom denna serie av film!
Eller är jag den enda som tycker att det är ett bra sätt att säga farväl... fast det är klart vi kommer föralltid att minnas denna film och den kommer att bli lika stor om inte större än vad Titanic blev!
Skriv gärna hur ni tänker runt detta!

In theatres: November 18 2011!!!

A Summit Entertainment spokesperson has confirmed to HitFix that “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” will open nationwide on Nov. 18, 2011.
It’s still officially unknown if “Dawn” will be broken up into one or, as rumored, two films.  Stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are all expected to return.

This is GREAT news!! I’m expecting that it WILL be two movies. And my money is on the 2nd part of Breaking Dawn being released around June 2012.

Eclipse Still!

The Volturi and Bree


Jane spelad av Dakota Fanning.

Alec spelad av Cameron Bright.

Demetri spelad av Charlie Bewley.

Victoria spelad av Bryce Dallas Howard.

Bree Tanner spelad av Jodelle Ferland.

Bella, Edward and Jacob

Bilder på huvudkaraktärerna:

Bella Swan spelad av Kristen Stewart.

Edward Cullen spelad av Robert Pattinson.

Jacob Black spelad av Taylor Lautner.

The Cullens!

Carlisle Cullen spelad av Peter Facinelli.

Esme Cullen spelad av Elizabeth Reaser.

Alice Cullen spelad av Ashley Greene.

Jasper Hale spelad av Jackson Rathbone.

Rosalie Hale spelad av Nikki Reed.

Emmett Cullen spelad av Kellan Lutz.

The Wolfpack and Emily

Sam Uley spelad av Chaske Spencer.

Emily spelad av Tinsel Korey.

Embry Call spelad av Kiowa Gordon.

Jared spelad av Bronson Pelletier.

Quil Ateara spelad av Tyson Houseman.

Leah Clearwater spelad av Julia Jones.

Eclipse närmar sig!

I går twittrade regissören David Slade om hur bra allt hade gått med scenerna till Eclipse som filmades förra veckan.

Nu har Lainey Gossip en hel drös med bilder från inspelningen. Bilderna är tagna långt i från men man kan ändå se en glimt av skådespelarna in action! :)

Se alla bilderna genom att klicka här.

Bree Tanner

Nu har det kommit en ny oficiell bild på Bree, vad tycker ni?

Källa: HGE

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