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release date for WFE in...

ITALY: April 29th 2011

POLAND: May 6th 2011

Italy Trans­la­tion:

There was much curios­ity, espe­cially among fans of Robert Pat­tin­son, to know when arriv­ing in Italy Water for Ele­phants, which also star­ring Oscar-winning actress Reese With­er­spoon. Now we say that the release date is on April 29, 2011, just two weeks after land­ing in the United States. The infor­ma­tion was com­mu­ni­cated to us directly today by Fox and all the fans should cheer (espe­cially the fans) to Robert Pat­tin­son, so that should not wait too long before see­ing this film. Obvi­ously, there are still many months in late April 2011, one can not exclude a rollover, but when we con­firm that the film is sched­uled for April 29, 2011.

In the film, Pat­tin­son plays a young vet­eri­nar­ian hired a trav­el­ing cir­cus, the Gaso­line Broth­ers Most Spec­tac­u­lar Show on Earth dur­ing the era of the Great Depres­sion. Here you will meet Mar­lena (With­er­spoon), a beau­ti­ful head­stock mar­ried to August, the charis­matic but iras­ci­ble ani­mal trainer (Waltz). Water for Ele­phants is based on a novel by Sara Gruen and will arrive in the­aters April 15, 2011, in Italy April 29, 2011.

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